Ten Questions with...
I could write a bunch of fluff (see the "official bio page" for the back of the cover stuff) about writing and what I love to do – yadda, yadda, yadda – but I imagine if you searched out this page, googling to your heart’s content, you’ve already read the basics. (If not, again, please see my official bio on the well...BIO page). Instead of my canned back of the book script I thought I would answer 10 questions to help you better know me. (And maybe you will want to send me your answers to the same 10 questions…Could be a fun game. Let’s see…)
1. What is the best vacation you’ve ever taken?
Hmm…best ever was probably when I was 20 and I just finished a semester abroad. I traveled for several weeks – alone – through southern Europe. The freedom of being able to do whatever I wanted – when I wanted – was intoxicating. The warm orange hues of Madrid blended with the cool grays of Nice. The charming men, delicious tastes and ridiculously historic sites in Rome captured my heart. With the exception of one little run-in in Paris the trip was perfect. I realized I was an adult and I had the ability to do whatever I wanted.
2. If you could have dinner with one living person – who would it be and why?
One living person…that’s a stumper (yes I know this is not a word…). I think it would have to be Barbra Bush. Now, I know many of you are asking – why not one of the Bush men or the Pope or Putin or Bradley Cooper or Ryen Russillo (who wouldn't want to listen to that dreamy voice over dinner)? Well, here’s the deal…Mrs. Bush is one of the most amazing women…She was First Lady (and Second Lady). She was the wife of an Ambassador, Congressman, Director of the CIA, Pilot and businessman. She is the mother of not one but 2 former Governors (and since gubernatorial is MY FAVORITE word EVER..she gets bonus points) – one of whom was a 2 term POTUS. She manged to navigate this extraordinary life – plus started one of the largest literacy organizations on the planet. She met with world leaders and PTO moms. And through all of this amazing life, she also endured the loss of a child. At the end of the day, I think one dinner with Mrs. Bush would not be quite enough. (Note: Bradley Cooper doesn’t actually qualify for this question since I’m not certain I would be able to eat in front of him…
3.What’s your method to relieve stress?
I wish I could say, “Exercise. The rush of an endorphin overload soothes any stress I have.” But I can’t. I’m a stress baker. Yep, when I become overwhelmed, or have writer’s block, or I’m freaked about a youth event, I turn to one of my Kitchen Aid stand mixers (and yes I do have more than one), preheat an oven and allow my mind to release the beast of stress. Worry and baking don’t mix. But a particularly long bout of stress can lead to an outstanding recipe. My “better than your momma’s” chocolate chip cookies are beautiful proof of what a heaping helping of stress can produce (and twenty-plus pounds of practice butter).
4. If you were alive during any era, other than current times, which one would it be and why?Wow, I do really like indoor plumbing and online shopping, so its a shame I can’t pick the second decade of the 21st century. Modern convenience aside, I would be torn between Regency England (Hello Jane Austen! I believe you want to be my friend.) and the Civil War period (Frankly my dear, I do give a…you get the picture.). I love the romantic imagery Austen and her contemporaries share. Languid garden parties and dress-up balls several nights a week. However, I would likely have been a behind the scenes servant rather than a fancy lady about town worried about fabrics and being unmarried at the unthinkable age of twenty-one. Also, the lack of women’s rights would be a significant pill to swallow. The Civil War area – quickly followed by the Reconstruction of the South and the move to expand West – was a period of such transformation for our country, I would like to have seen the progress.
5. What is your guilty pleasure?
For TV, I heart Pretty Little Liars. The drama is too much. I have to DVR the show. Occasionally I can’t handle watching the entire episode without fast forwarding because I’m too scared. For food, I adore gelato – particularly dark chocolate with a salted caramel. Thank you Jeni’s for the intro oh so many years ago.
6.If you could pursue a profession other than your own, what would it be and why?
I would be a counselor. I like helping people find resolution to their problems. I particularly enjoy helping people find solves based in Christ. He is the ultimate healer and I would love to be able to help more people find healing through Him.
7. What is the one profession you would never want to pursue and why?
I actually have two: refuse collector and day care worker. I have the UTMOST respect for both of these professions. They both perform essential roles in our culture and are required to keep the country moving forward. However, I would be fired in about twenty-seven minutes if in either role. Thank you refuse collectors and day care workers. You ROCK!
8.What is your favorite sound?
A baby/toddler’s laugh. The full belly one that wraps around your heart and squeezes a smile to your lips. Can you hear it?
9. Do you have any obsessions?
I buy notebooks and journals obsessively. I hate being without a pen and a notebook to jot down a thought or an idea, but I vary rarely complete a single notebook (Moleskines are the only exception). I have dozens of notebooks/journals stashed in handbags, closets, bookshelves and hidden in trunks with only two to twenty pages used. This is a wasteful habit and yet, if I go into a stationary store or the local Wal-Mart’s school supply aisle, I will walk out with a new notebook (and likely a pen or pencil to start fresh). Weird. I know. But it is all mine.
10. What is one thing you couldn’t live without?· After the obvious – water, food, love, family, friends, my dog Daisy, indoor plumbing, you know the basics – I would say I couldn’t live without my laptop. I used to write freehand (thus the need for so many notebooks) but over the last seven or eight years I’ve found words flow easier through all ten fingers rather than just the right forefinger and thumb. (But I must admit – the laptop would TOTALLY come after indoor plumbing.)
Well…there you have it. Ten questions. Nothing too serious. Some a little well – wonky. But all in all I hope you know a little more about me. And now it is your turn…please answer your own ten questions and post them to the page. I would love to hear from you!
Until Later,
1. What is the best vacation you’ve ever taken?
Hmm…best ever was probably when I was 20 and I just finished a semester abroad. I traveled for several weeks – alone – through southern Europe. The freedom of being able to do whatever I wanted – when I wanted – was intoxicating. The warm orange hues of Madrid blended with the cool grays of Nice. The charming men, delicious tastes and ridiculously historic sites in Rome captured my heart. With the exception of one little run-in in Paris the trip was perfect. I realized I was an adult and I had the ability to do whatever I wanted.
2. If you could have dinner with one living person – who would it be and why?
One living person…that’s a stumper (yes I know this is not a word…). I think it would have to be Barbra Bush. Now, I know many of you are asking – why not one of the Bush men or the Pope or Putin or Bradley Cooper or Ryen Russillo (who wouldn't want to listen to that dreamy voice over dinner)? Well, here’s the deal…Mrs. Bush is one of the most amazing women…She was First Lady (and Second Lady). She was the wife of an Ambassador, Congressman, Director of the CIA, Pilot and businessman. She is the mother of not one but 2 former Governors (and since gubernatorial is MY FAVORITE word EVER..she gets bonus points) – one of whom was a 2 term POTUS. She manged to navigate this extraordinary life – plus started one of the largest literacy organizations on the planet. She met with world leaders and PTO moms. And through all of this amazing life, she also endured the loss of a child. At the end of the day, I think one dinner with Mrs. Bush would not be quite enough. (Note: Bradley Cooper doesn’t actually qualify for this question since I’m not certain I would be able to eat in front of him…
3.What’s your method to relieve stress?
I wish I could say, “Exercise. The rush of an endorphin overload soothes any stress I have.” But I can’t. I’m a stress baker. Yep, when I become overwhelmed, or have writer’s block, or I’m freaked about a youth event, I turn to one of my Kitchen Aid stand mixers (and yes I do have more than one), preheat an oven and allow my mind to release the beast of stress. Worry and baking don’t mix. But a particularly long bout of stress can lead to an outstanding recipe. My “better than your momma’s” chocolate chip cookies are beautiful proof of what a heaping helping of stress can produce (and twenty-plus pounds of practice butter).
4. If you were alive during any era, other than current times, which one would it be and why?Wow, I do really like indoor plumbing and online shopping, so its a shame I can’t pick the second decade of the 21st century. Modern convenience aside, I would be torn between Regency England (Hello Jane Austen! I believe you want to be my friend.) and the Civil War period (Frankly my dear, I do give a…you get the picture.). I love the romantic imagery Austen and her contemporaries share. Languid garden parties and dress-up balls several nights a week. However, I would likely have been a behind the scenes servant rather than a fancy lady about town worried about fabrics and being unmarried at the unthinkable age of twenty-one. Also, the lack of women’s rights would be a significant pill to swallow. The Civil War area – quickly followed by the Reconstruction of the South and the move to expand West – was a period of such transformation for our country, I would like to have seen the progress.
5. What is your guilty pleasure?
For TV, I heart Pretty Little Liars. The drama is too much. I have to DVR the show. Occasionally I can’t handle watching the entire episode without fast forwarding because I’m too scared. For food, I adore gelato – particularly dark chocolate with a salted caramel. Thank you Jeni’s for the intro oh so many years ago.
6.If you could pursue a profession other than your own, what would it be and why?
I would be a counselor. I like helping people find resolution to their problems. I particularly enjoy helping people find solves based in Christ. He is the ultimate healer and I would love to be able to help more people find healing through Him.
7. What is the one profession you would never want to pursue and why?
I actually have two: refuse collector and day care worker. I have the UTMOST respect for both of these professions. They both perform essential roles in our culture and are required to keep the country moving forward. However, I would be fired in about twenty-seven minutes if in either role. Thank you refuse collectors and day care workers. You ROCK!
8.What is your favorite sound?
A baby/toddler’s laugh. The full belly one that wraps around your heart and squeezes a smile to your lips. Can you hear it?
9. Do you have any obsessions?
I buy notebooks and journals obsessively. I hate being without a pen and a notebook to jot down a thought or an idea, but I vary rarely complete a single notebook (Moleskines are the only exception). I have dozens of notebooks/journals stashed in handbags, closets, bookshelves and hidden in trunks with only two to twenty pages used. This is a wasteful habit and yet, if I go into a stationary store or the local Wal-Mart’s school supply aisle, I will walk out with a new notebook (and likely a pen or pencil to start fresh). Weird. I know. But it is all mine.
10. What is one thing you couldn’t live without?· After the obvious – water, food, love, family, friends, my dog Daisy, indoor plumbing, you know the basics – I would say I couldn’t live without my laptop. I used to write freehand (thus the need for so many notebooks) but over the last seven or eight years I’ve found words flow easier through all ten fingers rather than just the right forefinger and thumb. (But I must admit – the laptop would TOTALLY come after indoor plumbing.)
Well…there you have it. Ten questions. Nothing too serious. Some a little well – wonky. But all in all I hope you know a little more about me. And now it is your turn…please answer your own ten questions and post them to the page. I would love to hear from you!
Until Later,